Why do spacecrafts not collide with thousands of asteroids in space? Know the answer

Why do spacecrafts not collide with thousands of asteroids in space? Know the answer

There are thousands of asteroids in space, but till date no spacecraft has ever collided with an asteroid. This too has an interesting and a little difficult story. It is believed that this happens because that kind of technology is used in spacecraft. Let us know in detail why spacecraft do not collide with asteroids?

Let us try to understand this with an imagination. Suppose a space agency located on a remote planet is planning an ambitious mission. The objective of the mission is to search for life on a new planet. A state-of-the-art spacecraft has been designed for this mission, which is going to pass through thousands of asteroids. As soon as we think about the asteroid belt, an image of a dense, disorganized and dangerous place comes to our mind, but the reality is different from that. 

Why don’t thousands of steroids collide in space?

Spacecraft scientists and engineers create a challenging plan. First, they map the asteroid belt with great accuracy. For this, they use giant telescopes and other advanced equipment that track the position, speed and direction of asteroids in space. Based on this data, they decide on a route that minimizes the risk of colliding with these celestial objects. 

Now, the spacecraft’s software and its automated systems are developed. These systems not only observe the position of the asteroids, but also calculate their speed and the probability of a possible collision. If the probability of hitting an asteroid increases, the spacecraft’s software immediately reacts and changes the course. This is a kind of ‘piloting’ system that works without human intervention and is highly accurate. 

Apart from this, safety measures are also taken in the design of the spacecraft. Its outer part is made of extremely strong materials. Due to this, even if a small asteroid passes near the spacecraft, its effect will be reduced. When the spacecraft enters the asteroid belt, it completely trusts its automated system and piloting software. During the journey, it constantly monitors the condition of the asteroid belt and if any new thing is coming in its direction, it immediately orders it to change the route."text-align: justify;">Along with this, constant contact is also maintained with the Earth. The Mission Control Center receives accurate information about the changes taking place in space and advises to change the route if necessary.

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